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Kevin's Investigation Services

Real-time and Passive GPS Tracking

Real-time and Passive GPS has made surveillance of subjects of private investigations more cost effective and safe. Kevin’s Private Investigators Services offers both active and passive GPS tracking service. Our GPS tracking services includes: monitor employees, catch cheating spouse, track a package, track vehicles (including speed alert option), personal tracking of the elderly, individuals with special needs, children, hikers, hunters, skiers, pet and asset tracking, etc. It is a cost effective way of investigation a person or vehicle.

Several types of Vehicle Tracking devices exist. Typically they are classified as Passive and Active. Passive devices store GPS location, speed, and heading. Once the vehicle returns to a predetermined point, the device is removed and the data downloaded to a computer for evaluation. Passive systems include auto download type that transfer data via wireless download. Active devices also collect the same information but usually transmit the data in real-time via cellular or satellite networks to a computer or data center for evaluation.

A Vehicle Tracking System is an electronic device installed in a vehicle to enable the owner or a third party to track the vehicle's location. Most modern vehicle tracking systems use Global Positioning Systems (GPS) modules for accurate location of the vehicle. Vehicle information can be viewed on electronic maps via the Internet or specialized software.

Map View

GPS Vehicle Tracker accurately evaluates all travel activities with proof of exact date, time, speed, direction of travel and location.

The map can display the current position of vehicles from any distance. Thanks to the colour-coded display, everything is instantly and clearly visible at a glance.

You can monitor your vehicle's movements 24 hours a day and check the route and gain insight into the driver's driving style with online tracking.

Why spend a fortune on video surveillance ... if you do not need video as proof ... and you simple want to track a person, pet vehicle or asset where about ... then the GPS Tracking Service is the one for you.

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